Movie Revews

Movie Review: Toy Story
By:Alyssa and Maddy

The Movie, Toy Story, is an old Disney Movie made in 1995. The movie is about a boy named Andy who has toys that come to life when Andy is not there. Overall the movie is a great movie for kids and adults and anyone else who wants to watch it. In the movie lots of exciting events happen. Including Andy's birthday party and when he gets a new toy but there is not only one movie but believe it or not there's 4 and they just keep getting more and more action packed and exciting for all ages to watch. For a key, Maddy’s review that she wrote will be typed in magenta and mine will be typed in cornflower blue and we'll rate it from 1-5. Maddy: My favorite part of the original toy story is when Andy's birthday party comes along early and he gets a new toy. 

Alyssa: My favorite part in Toy Story is when Sid's sister took Buzz light

Voice acting: 

Voice acting is a key element in most animated shows or movies. Since Toy Story was made in 1995, people would think “oh since Toy Story is an old movie, the voice acting quality must be so horrible!” No it wasn't. In fact, the voice acting quality was about as good as the voice acting quality of today.


Alyssa’s final rating: 5/5

Maddy’s final rating: 5/5

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